Komal joins the Total Utilities team

Komal joins the Total Utilities team

We are excited to introduce a new face to the Total Utilities team with Executive Administrator, Komal Mathew, recently joining us. Komal has a wealth of experience in the energy sector, having worked in energy coordination roles for the past 10 years.  Her role will...
Wrestling The Paperwork Juggernaut

Wrestling The Paperwork Juggernaut

I began my journey to a sustainable future envisaging a world of tree-hugging, lentil soup and freedom from reporting fuss. Little did I know that the bureaucrats had got in ahead of me and set up a rules-based order that made tax returns look like a walk to the...
Russell Craig – CTO Microsoft New Zealand – Discusses with David Spratt at Total Utilities the cost and business case for Sustainability.

Russell Craig – CTO Microsoft New Zealand – Discusses with David Spratt at Total Utilities the cost and business case for Sustainability.

A recent Microsoft report on New Zealand’s sustainability performance shows that more than three quarters of NZ businesses now have carbon reduction plans and policies. But that’s where the green wave crashes into a wall – and uncertainty about costs is a major...
Kia Ora. Security Alert

Kia Ora. Security Alert

There are individuals receiving text messages claiming to be from Total Utilities, offering discounts and promotions. This is a scam and has not been sent by us. If you receive a suspicious text of this kind, do not click on any links and delete the message...