by chris | May 21, 2020 | Energy
Join us on Monday as we discuss how the Internet of Things is changing Energy Management and how insights can support sustainable business. Register here.
by Chris Hargreaves | Apr 17, 2020 | Energy
Create a sustainable energy strategy, and build a competitive advantage with powerful energy insights that provide complete visibility of your energy footprint. Now more than ever businesses globally are looking for wastage and holding utility costs to account by...
by chris | Feb 19, 2020 | Energy
Making solar part of your business’s energy mix has never been more appealing. But risk and opportunity balances between an optimised design and types of PPAs. While there’s heat in the market, there are incentives – but don’t unthinkingly sign...
by chris | Jan 20, 2020 | Energy
Your corporate sustainability targets might be in for a shock! Prior to Christmas, the Government announced a raft of proposed changes to the emissions trading scheme (ETS) to rapidly decarbonise the economy. This included lifting the ETS price cap from $25/tonne to...
by chris | Jan 9, 2020 | Energy
Research shows that using low-carbon energy solutions can improve your reputation – helping make the case for sustainable energy innovation. Deloitte recently published The Global Millennial Survey. This reinforced a number of other surveys that concluded that...
by DavidSpratt | Oct 22, 2019 | Energy
Our national grid pricing needs solutions. And after 10 years of pondering its navel, the Electricity Authority (EA), the Government agency charged with ensuring an efficient and effective electricity industry, plans to release a paper that may or may not gain...