by Chris Hargreaves | Sep 26, 2024 | Case Studies, Sustainable Business
Explore the real-world impact of our Carbon Footprint & Reporting service – helping businesses measure, reduce, and disclose their carbon emissions… CARBON METRICS MASTERCLASS FOR MANUFACTURING CLIENT MEASURE Challenge: A leading manufacturer sought precise...
by Chris Hargreaves | Sep 12, 2023 | News, Sustainable Business
In the words of influential French politician and lawyer, Christine Lagarde, who currently holds the position of President of the European Central Bank, it’s high time for businesses to shift their perspective and view sustainability as an investment not a cost:...
by Chris Hargreaves | Nov 21, 2022 | News
Analysis of recently released results from the 2022 ‘CFO Sustainability Snapshot Survey,’ confirms that collaborating with sustainability experts and peers is the best way forward for businesses to learn, build sustainability capability and create meaningful impact....
by Chris Hargreaves | Oct 7, 2022 | Carbon Neutral, Energy, Sustainable Business
With prevailing energy market conditions causing sharp price hikes that show no signs of abating – what can you do and who do you turn to for advice and viable solutions? Since the beginning of 2021, negotiated contract pricing for large commercial customers has...
by DavidSpratt | Apr 21, 2022 | Analytics, Planet Spratt, Sustainable Business
Part Three of Planet Spratt’s Journey to Sustainability The tragedy of the commons is an economic problem in which every individual has an incentive to consume a resource, but at the expense of every other individual—with no way to exclude anyone from consuming....