Total Utilities proudly joins the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.

Total Utilities proudly joins the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.

Total Utilities is proud to join a growing community of over 40 suppliers and service providers participating in the Carbon Neutral Government Programme. We join the likes of Deloitte, WSP and many other organisations who profoundly care about protecting our beautiful country and people from the impact of climate change. 

The purpose of the CNGP is to accelerate the reduction of emissions within the public sector and targets three areas in particular: heating, transport, and buildings.

We are Toitū carbonzero, too

This exciting news follows our February announcement, where we shared our Toitū carbonzero certification. Our commitment to taking positive action on climate change is reinforced by being on the CNGP list.

Supporting corporates and public sector clients for over 20 years

Our organisation began in 1999. Now over 3,000 corporate and public sector clients — including many schools, colleges, and tertiary institutes — rely on us for their electricity, natural gas and waste procurement, cost and consumption analysis.

More recently, we’ve been helping organisations accurately measure, verify and report on their carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. We do this with a three-prong approach: understand and act, improve and reduce, and target and report. 

Paving the way to decarbonised organisations up and down the country

Through this three-step process, we help organisations understand their current footprint, create a carbon management plan for short and long-term savings, and design and maintain a greenhouse gas inventory. Together these steps help organisations decarbonise their activities and reach CarbonZero certified status.

Capabilities and experience in all five categories

The CNPG assessed us and confirmed we have capabilities and experience in all five of their key areas.  This means we offer:

  • services to measure and report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • independent verification services
  • independent verification services which meet third-party accreditation standards 
  • services to support emission reduction plans and strategies
  • software solutions, tools, and other support to manage emission reduction plans and strategies.

World-leading Technology and best practice

Total Utilities uses world-class leading technology and international best practice to help organisations gain insights from their emissions inventory. They are committed to enabling organisations to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve short and long-term savings, often without additional capital spending.

Joining like-minded organisations

The programme is a great step for us and helps put us in contact with government entities seeking to accelerate their emissions reductions. Being identified as a supplier in all five categories means we can help entities from start to finish – from advising on measurement and reporting, reviewing their internal plans, building a reduction plan, to monitoring the outcome with our software and reporting tools. 

We look forward to partnering with like-minded entities who are paving the way to a low emissions economy, and it’s great to see the government taking an active lead in setting this example.

As an organisation, we walk the sustainability talk by managing and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions wherever we can and neutralising our unavoidable emissions.

We lead by example

Business and media enquiries can be made to Total Utilities

More about the CNGP

The CNGP is managed by the Ministry for the Environment, the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority, and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

Total Utilities’ sustainability pledge springs into action with Toitū Envirocare CarbonZero certification

Total Utilities’ sustainability pledge springs into action with Toitū Envirocare CarbonZero certification

We are delighted to announce that as of February 2021 we are Toitū carbonzero certified. This means our commitment to taking positive action on climate change has been officially recognised. 

We walk the sustainability talk by managing and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, wherever we can, and neutralising our unavoidable emissions.

Who is Toitū and what is Toitū Envirocare Carbonzero?

Enviro-Mark Solutions is now Toitū Envirocare. Toitū means “to sustain continually”. It asks us to work together continuously to care for our planet, people and communities. Toitū connects actions with outcomes and asks us to hold fast to the land, to our pride and to all living things.

Toitū carbonzero certifications “meet and exceed the requirements of ISO standards and ensure consistent and comprehensive reporting, benchmarking and management under international best practice”.

Total Utilities’ Carbonzero facts and targets

Our company emissions are quite small at 20.57 tCO2e, but we know we can do better.

That’s why we have set an ambitious, yet achievable, annual target of reducing our baseline emissions of 10% per year over the next three (financial) years.

Most of our emissions come from land transport – 80% is petrol and diesel use – and the remaining is domestic air travel and electricity (see graph below). The obvious next step is to be smarter around our travel choices, yet still deliver excellent service and competitive pricing.

Total Utilities’ Carbon Reduction Goals

Total Utilities will do the following to reduce our emissions.

  1. Prioritising online meetings over travelling to meetings – where possible and practical.
  2. Grouping client visits where possible if travelling a distance, this includes national travel and domestic flights.
  3. Using recycled packaging and choosing courier services that have sustainability programmes in place.

Caring for people and the planet

Rather than buying carbon offsets, we have decided to support renewables-based projects that benefit at-risk communities. This means that along with contributing to renewable energy initiatives, we are also doing our bit to create jobs and improve the overall health and wellbeing of these communities.

We all benefit from sustainable action

We are thrilled that we can join a growing collective of hundreds of organisations who are leading the way to a low carbon future.

But it doesn’t stop there. At Total Utilities we have the skills and the experience to support more New Zealand businesses to measure, manage and reduce their carbon emissions and energy consumption. When you switch to renewable energy sources and manage your energy consumption, you not only reduce your transport and power bills, but you can limit your environmental impact too.

Our hope is that in being open about our sustainability targets and our progress, we will inspire you to make positive changes to the way you use and consume energy for a thriving Aotearoa.