Lights, carbon, action for this year’s Earth Hour

Lights, carbon, action for this year’s Earth Hour

Today’s Earth Hour (Saturday 26 March, 8.30 – 9.30pm NZ time) again puts climate action into the spotlight – but a recent MYOB survey highlights that while there’s strong support for climate action among SMEs, many are confused about how to progress.

Earth Hour, which started in 2007 as a symbolic lights-out event, is now held around the world on the last Saturday of March each year to promote action on climate change and to ensure a brighter future for people and the planet. So, what better time to explore results from the latest MYOB small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) snapshot survey regarding attitudes to climate change? 

The survey captured responses from more than 500 local SME business owners and decision makers and results showed 82% of SMEs are concerned about the impact of climate change, with more than 43% very or extremely concerned. Only 18% said climate change was not a concern.

Carbon footprint confusion

The survey also pointed to the fact that more than 69% didn’t know how to measure their carbon footprint – just 21% knew how to measure it and 10% were unsure. Many didn’t know how to begin the process, couldn’t find the best initiatives to fit their business, felt it would be too costly or had a lack of free time and lack of information.

While many SMEs said they need help to map out their plans, the level of willingness to change is positive – though nearly a third (32%) said their business was not currently carbon zero or carbon neutral, they did have plans to be.

Total Utilities can help!

At Total Utilities, we have dramatically pivoted our business model over the past few years from supporting businesses to monitor and reduce their utilities overheads from gas, water, electricity and cloud consumption – to using that data to measure your carbon footprint and support a sustainable transition.

With our comprehensive energy consultancy services that assess, identify, improve and manage your energy usage and efficiency, we can not only help you measure your carbon footprint, but also assist in your journey towards decarbonisation. We have all the knowledge, skills and experience to help you achieve savings, improved efficiency and a more sustainable business model.

Sustainability essential to doing business

Total Utilities Sustainability Director, David Spratt explained that on top of the gains that can be achieved by decarbonisation, businesses also have to consider their employer brand in view of today’s skills shortages. People are looking for employers whose values align with theirs, and in many cases, who are actively demonstrating their progress on sustainability and decarbonisation.

Consumers are also demanding more from companies in terms of sustainable practices. A recent Colmar Brunton poll revealed almost half of New Zealanders say they have switched to brands that are more sustainable. “You have to consider the cost to your business of not transforming,” added David.

  • Need help measuring your carbon footprint? We’re here to help! Contact us at Total Utilities.
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