
WE. He Never says WE.

Knowledge is power with Total Utilities Market Commentary

A Journey to Sustainability with Planet Spratt

New Zealand committed to 50% at COP26

Central Otago’s fully electric, sustainable cherry orchard with Pan Power.

Total Utilities proudly joins the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.

Seeking ways to minimise waste and save money?

Waste Case Study: Businesses send less to landfill, save on levies, and recycle and reuse more when they engage Total Utilities.

PowerRadar™ helps reduce capital expenditures and increases storage capacity at a 40-hectare commercial water port

Case Study: Energy Contracts are never as simple as just getting a price.

Case Study: South Port NZ uses Energy Insights to optimise cargo and marine services

Case Study: Real-time energy insights help NZ schools cut emissions, boost efficiency & explore solar savings