Major change in Network Charges for Auckland

About TUMG Vector and United Networks are shifting away from a volume-based pricing methodology in favour of a peak demand weighted tariff structure.

From April 1st, large customers in Central and South Auckland will see little advantage in seasonal Summer Day prices as these are aligned to a reduced Winter Day rate/kWh while the demand tariff will increase by 12.8%.  North and West Auckland customers on non-demand time of use metered load groups will be transitioned over to a new pricing plan that includes a peak demand charge.

Added to this is the continuation of the stepped increase to the Power Factor tariff. Customers with reactive load problems will be in for even bigger charges as the rate per reactive unit increases from $2.00/unit to $8.00/unit. Based on discussions with the energy retailers, this charge will again be increased to $17.50/unit from April 1 next year.

What does this mean?

For Central and South Auckland customers with non-seasonal based peak demands with small Power Factor issues could see overall network cost increases of greater than 9.5%. For a similar North or West Auckland customer being transitioned onto the time of use metered load group with demand charges this increase could be greater than 15%. (more…)

Owning & operating computer equipment becoming redundant…?

computer equipmentOwning and operating computer equipment is becoming as redundant a concept as using generators to access electricity.  While there are cases where generators are essential these are niche applications.  The rest of us just plug into the grid with a three pin plug!  Utility computing is exactly the same and will rapidly transform the way we see IT.  Of course change of this magnitude has a big impact on people…

This article describes the challenge for organisations who are having difficulty persuading the existing IT technologists to get past the fear of losing their jobs or becoming irrelevant, when the reality is often quite the opposite.  This has proved a significant barrier to acceptance of cloud computing  in the New Zealand marketplace.

From Total Utilities perspective, we are seeing the focus move away from technologists owning and operating equipment and towards financial and capacity monitoring and analysis as a core activity.  It is no longer a question of ‘Which brand do I use and does it have flashing lights?’.  Rather it is ‘How do I cost my options and then monitor capacity and financial performance once I am committed?’

That’s where we come in.

Read the Herald article here

Google slashes cloud storage prices

see-how-your-google-results-measure-up-with-google-grader-video--6b8bbb4b41Once again a major cloud provider – on this occasion Google – has slashed the price of storage – this time for ordinary consumers.  Note that these changes apply to all customers not just those signing new subscriptions.


Users considering cloud storage should note their contract terms, urges David Spratt of Total Utilities Management Group.  “If you are locked in to a price for two or three years you may miss many, many price cuts over the contract term, while your storage needs double or even quadruple.”


“In the business sector we expect to see continued price pressure being brought to bear on local NZ hosting, cloud server and cloud storage providers to compete with the scale, contract flexibility, reliability and sheer pricing power of the likes Google, Amazon, RackSpace HP and Microsoft.”

Read the Computer World article here

Four Mobile Phone ‘biggies’ in 2013

Smart phone and laptop - business conceptLooking back over 2013 with the benefit of hindsight, it is clear that the New Zealand mobile phone market was defined by four key things last year:

  1. The smart phone’s complete dominance of the mobile device market. Yes I know some of you still love your Nokia flip top, but the sale of loss-making Nokia’s smart phone division to Microsoft shows just how far the mighty have fallen in the market where Nokia were once supreme. Alongside this shift we have seen the rise of Samsung as a direct and powerful competitor to Apple’s iPhone range. During 2014 expect price competition to continue apace in the handset market.
  2. Heavy price discounting in the New Zealand market as the major players struggle with a lack of differentiation in their services, handsets and coverage.
  3. A shift from text-based communication to Instant Messaging.  The days of businesses spending big dollars on thousands of texts a month are now largely gone. Instead smart phones are delivering Instant Messaging and email services to the user over mobile data networks.
  4. The rapid expansion of mobile data services usage. For each of the last three years the uptake of smart phone and 3G and 4G capable tablet devices has meant a doubling of mobile data consumption year on year. In 2014 most businesses will be using eight times the mobile data they consumed back in 2011. Double that again in 2015 and that consumption number becomes 16 times!

So what is the smartest response to these four biggies when budget setting for 2014?  Read more…

Budgeting for 2014 mobile phone & data use

Mobile phone dollarsLast year the mobile phone market was shaped by four key factors: the dominance of the smart phone; heavy price discounting; a shift from text-based communication to Instant Messaging; and the rapid expansion of mobile data services usage.  Smart budgeting for 2014 should respond to these market changes.

Capital Planning

Smart phones are much more expensive than the old flip tops, despite the increased price competition arising from Samsung’s aggressive positioning against Apple and Micosoft/Nokia. The majority of mobile calling vendors offer a ‘subsidy pool’ from which businesses draw when purchasing new or replacing old mobiles. These ‘subsidies’ are little more than a capex to opex conversion with opex increased as part of the monthly phone plan cost and capex reduced accordingly.   Analysing the true cost of the subsidy and assessing whether it meets your planned replacement and new purchase requirements can save you from incurring a significant amount of wasted financial resources during the term of the contract. Note also that replacing a broken or lost phone from the subsidy pool will usually mean signing a new contract with a new expiry date. The ‘break fees’ associated with contracts provide vendors with a useful mechanism to discourage you from moving to a better deal with a new supplier when the main contract expires. (more…)

UFB options narrow as John Key rules out delay

John Key UFB options - TUMG

At the beginning of this week John Key appeared to rule out any delay in the Chorus roll out of 69% of the country’s Ultra-Fast Broadband network by 2020.

To date, the telecoms industry has not seen the expected level of uptake for the ultra-fast data networking services that the UFB network enables.

If recent Chorus moves to force government to legislate an increase in the Commerce Commission’s pricing for copper-based services are successful, this will further slow business uptake of these services. This will be detrimental to the wider New Zealand knowledge economy.

Chorus’s pressure on government displays all the worst characteristics of the old, monopolistic Telecom prior to de-regulation. This is unsurprising when you realise that the old guard running Telecom under Teresa Gattung has resurfaced as key members of the management and strategy teams at Chorus.

Despite causing years of declining revenues, tanking profits and plummeting share prices in Telecom, the strategy of milking consumers and NZ business for as long as possible by stalling the arrival products which compete with the old copper network seems to be alive and kicking in Chorus.

To paraphrase Sartre, the more things change in the world of Telecom and Chorus the more they stay the same…

Read the full article here