Trash talk: Unleashing Total Utilities’ game-changing waste solutions!

14 March 2024

Are you ready to take your business to the next level of sustainability and efficiency? Take a look at our game-changing waste reduction service, detailed in our brand new ‘Waste Reduction’ brochure.

Designed with your success in mind, our waste management service is here to help you transform the way you approach waste and sustainability while optimising your costs.

Experience Integrated Waste Reporting

Say goodbye to generic waste reporting and embrace a tailored approach with Total Utilities’ Integrated Waste Reporting. Our cutting-edge tools seamlessly integrate waste metrics with your electricity, natural gas, and LPG data through the Utility Insights platform.

This means you get a comprehensive overview of your utility consumption and spend, enabling you to make informed decisions that drive efficiency for your unique business needs.

We understand that true efficiency involves more than just numbers. Total Utilities offers hands-on waste solutions, starting with comprehensive waste audits that analyse your site and waste output.

But that’s not all – we also provide tailored waste education to foster better recycling habits within your organisation. By involving senior management, we ensure everyone is on board with sustainable waste management practices.

Strategic Solutions

At Total Utilities, we take a strategic approach to meet your waste management needs. Our waste review and waste procurement services involve detailed analysis of your current services.

Through expertly managed RFP bid processes, we secure competitive proposals tailored to your business’s unique requirements. Our solutions not only meet immediate needs but also propel sustainable practices for your future success.

Your Success is Our Priority

Optimising cost savings, meeting environmental standards, demonstrating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), maximising recycling, mitigating risks, engaging your employees in an eco-friendly workplace – these are the key drivers that set Total Utilities apart.

We are committed to driving transparent reporting and enabling accurate carbon reporting, ensuring your business stands out as a leader in sustainability.

Real-World Success Stories

Discover real-world benefits through inspiring success stories featured in our brochure. From saving $105,000 annually for a leading hotel group to slashing costs by $27,842 for a prominent NZ bakery, Total Utilities consistently delivers remarkable results.

Our strategic waste management solutions not only drive financial savings but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

Partner with Total Utilities

Ready to unlock the full potential of your waste reduction journey? Total Utilities invites your business to join us in revolutionising your waste management strategy.

Explore our new waste brochure or contact us to see how our transformative waste management solutions can help reshape your approach to sustainability.