by chris | May 9, 2018 | Energy
Many businesses begin collecting energy data as a means of saving energy – and energy costs. While this remains one of the greatest benefits of energy data analysis, its appeal does not start nor end with direct financial considerations.
In fact, focusing only on energy savings has led to an underestimation of the full value of data-backed energy management in global economies.
Across all sectors – from manufacturing to retail to healthcare – organisations are harnessing the operational efficiency benefits that result from energy data like never before by:
- Assembling and integrating energy data to share across the enterprise
- Combining data and advanced analytics
- Benchmarking against historical data, similar devices, comparable locations, and industry standards
- Acting on alerts and insights to ensure the reliability and performance of critical assets
Using energy data for operations and maintenance results in a wide range of benefits across the enterprise. Organisations are harnessing the operational efficiency benefits that result from energy data like never before.
Transparent collaboration
Businesses, today, generate more data than ever before, yet often, very little is actually used to make real-time decisions. Different departments gather their own data and do not always share it across the organisation.
Collecting data from critical devices formulates a single source of truth that can be easily shared across teams, departments, and entire enterprises. This breaks down information silos and enables managers to set KPIs and predict and avoid waste.
Increased production yields
Both discreet and processed manufacturers rely on the optimal performance of their production machinery energy as a lifeblood. Manufacturers think profit per hour and total profit should be driving factors in making decisions.
By monitoring the energy data of their machinery, manufacturers can now link their operational goals with energy performance. Ensuring equipment optimisation and effectiveness with live equipment status monitoring helps create greater outputs and enables users to calculate the cost of production per equipment/production line.
Improved maintenance schedules and expedited decision making
Initiating a systematic approach to energy data gathering at the device level, manufacturers can be alerted to anomalies in their critical devices. By diagnosing, troubleshooting, and servicing the machinery that is showing irregular consumption patterns, they prevent imminent disruptions or even breakdowns.
From kitchen equipment to HVAC, lighting and industrial machinery – maintenance schedules are improved and become more cost-effective.
When time is money, a quicker decision is a more profitable decision. Enterprise-level decisions that are based on data are reliable and undeniable.
Energy data enables the transformation of facility and maintenance groups from a cost centre to a value centre. No longer do these groups weigh on the company’s bottom line. Instead, they become the suppliers of data that adds value by informing decision-makers of opportunities for savings and optimisations.
Energy forms a sizable share of operating costs
Operational efficiencies from energy data
The starting point for most operational-improvement efforts is incremental change: taking an existing process as a baseline and seeing what improvements are possible from that point.
Saving energy, funnelling the savings to the bottom line, and reducing carbon emissions are all worthy benefits of energy data. Adding the multiple benefits to operations, albeit sometimes difficult to measure or quantify, increases ROI. Operational efficiencies maintain the value of the business while reducing the required resources.

by Jon Rabinowitz | Mar 23, 2018 | Energy, ICT
A client of ours recently installed energy sensors across two areas of their facility. One area is significantly old using good practice equipment for the time, the other brand new and utilising advancements in equipment technology. Both areas are similarly sized and perform the same operation, however, measuring energy performance between the old and new will provide our client with real insights when making future strategic decisions.

While our client operates a large portfolio of facilities around the North Island, they are using this specific site as a sandbox environment, a testbed to trial new initiatives as they look to upgrade and replace existing equipment at their other facilities.
Utilising real-time energy data to measure performance against a range of benchmarks will allow them to verify performance gains and deliver insights into which areas should be prioritised in their long-term business plan.
Non-intrusive wireless energy sensors that can be easily moved to measure other areas, combined with powerful cloud-based software reporting tools provide a cost-effective and flexible way to build business cases.
The following article, written by Jon Rabinowitz at Panoramic Power, highlights the fact that, with Internet of Things (IoT), businesses can now test ideas in a quick and cost-effective manner while collecting valuable data for future decision making.
The Internet of Things has exploded onto the scene and with it a slew of potential business applications. In navigating this terra nova, most decision makers take their cues from the competition, afraid of wading too far into the unknown. This is reasonable, of course, but it’s also a big mistake.
Smart business owners and managers should know that they don’t need to resign themselves to the role of a follower in order to hedge their bets and mitigate their exposure to risk. You can lead and be cautious at the same time!
A False Dichotomy in Applied Internet of Things Investment
Consider, for example, the business value of smart, self-reporting assets. These assets hold the promise of constantly refined operational processes, reduced maintenance costs (as issues are caught and corrected in the earliest stages before degradation occurs), extended lifecycles and the elimination of unplanned downtime.
Still, few things ever go exactly according to plan and deliver quite as advertised. So it’s understandable that prudent decision makers might set expectations below the promised value. Add to that the fact that overhauling and replacing the entirety of your asset infrastructure is incredibly expensive and a terrible disruption to operations.
It’s easy to see why some business owners and managers might prefer to sit back and let “the other guys” take the lead in implementing Internet of Things into their business operations. But easy to see and right are two very different things.
The right approach is significantly more nuanced, as the rationale presented above is built on a false dichotomy. Your choice isn’t between sitting back and doing only what the other guy already succeeded at or totally replacing all your critical assets. There’s a world of options spanning the divide between those two.
The Golden IoT Mean: New Operational Intelligence, Old Equipment
Science and technology are both predicated on the principle of testing and your business should be the same. It always makes sense to “pilot” new technologies or techniques before deploying them at large. Beyond that though, using advanced Internet of Things technologies and tools, you can infuse new operational intelligence into old equipment without replacing anything.
Until your industry has reached a “mature” state in its development and integration of IoT technologies, this is the best way to mitigate risk without forfeiting access to value while it’s still a comparative advantage.
Using smart, non-intrusive energy sensors – each about the size of a 9-volt battery – you could retrofit past-gen assets to enable next-gen operational intelligence. Simply snap a sensor onto the circuit feeding the intended asset. No need to suspend operations; no need for complicated installation.
After your sensors are in place, enter the corresponding ID numbers into the mapping console. Immediately, these sensors will begin reporting granular energy data, pumped through an advanced, machine-learning analytics platform, and turning out new operational intelligence to be acted upon.
In this manner, facility managers can give a voice to their critical assets, allowing for advanced operational automation, predictive maintenance and generally increased production.
by pushkar | Jul 22, 2017 | Energy
Investment in energy monitoring has traditionally been dominated by lengthy CAPEX discussions and the technical specifications of proposed monitoring infrastructure which means spending more cash to find out where cost savings might be made. Little thought was ever given to the data output and associated software –most competing products delivered similar back end services and data displays which required users to export data to CSV format before being able to really interrogate it.
That’s changing with Panoramic Power smart sensors available now in New Zealand, through Total Utilities.

My colleague David, has previously written a series of articles regarding the rise of artificial intelligence algorithms and how major corporations are using these to exploit customer data and drive behavior. Data obtained from raw internet traffic, page clicks, key search words and online transactions is now being structured by algorithms in order to deliver insights and show trends. Further to this, the data is normalised by user defined groups and then compared.
Smart recommendations for energy flows
If Amazon or Apple can recommend a book or record that I might like, why can’t my energy monitoring software make recommendations? And if the data is all I really need, why should I have to purchase a very expensive metering asset that may only be required for 12 months? Of if my usage pattern changes why can’t I quickly adjust my monitoring setup?
Total Utilities encounter clients every day who operate energy intensive equipment, while the type of equipment varies greatly from production and manufacturing applications, cold storage, and commercial buildings, the issues remain the same. Clients need real time visibility of where energy is being used so that they can make strategic decisions and act quickly to save money.
Further to this, they need to know when energy intensive systems are under stress and may require attention outside of their normal maintenance cycle. They want the ability to see their energy flow within their site in various graphical formats and to be able to benchmark their HVAC or compressors across multiple facilities.
Total Utilities use Panoramic Power’s IoT (Internet of Things) sensor technology and cloud based analytics to help customers understand energy consumption.
Fast to install, fast to get benefits
Worldwide there are eight billion data points per month across 800 sites in 30 countries. With more being added in New Zealand every week.
Forty smart meters were installed in 1.5hrs at an Auckland CBD site the week before last and fifty were installed in 2hrs at a site in West Auckland on Friday. Each sensor is clamped onto the outgoing electrical wires of a customer’s distribution board. This eliminates expensive wiring, investment in new panels, lengthy shutdowns, IT connections and reduces health and safety risks. Once installed, it monitors the flow of electricity, sending information wirelessly to the cloud-based analytics platform every ten seconds.
With such an ease of install combined with effective data presentation and representation, potential energy savings can be identified quickly by pinpointing specific areas for further investigation. It took less than two days for Total Utilities to identify that the lighting of a commercial building was switching on at 2am and running for two hours every morning despite the BMS (Building Management System) showing all lights were off. Simple measures were implemented quickly which means the energy monitoring system has already paid for itself.
While the above is a relatively rudimentary and common example, Total Utilities can just as easily correlate key variables such as chiller temperature against outdoor temperature on a monthly, daily and hourly basis across multiple sites located throughout NZ without the need for pain staking manual calculations. We then deliver clients meaningful information and advice quickly so they can act and make significant energy savings.
Total Utilities believes that traditional energy meters are merely becoming a means to an ends as clients engage us for the value we create with intelligent data and analytics.
by chris | Jul 11, 2017 | Energy
The calls for a 100% renewable energy market in NZ are often met with large amounts of criticism, “We are 85% renewable already”, “Thermal back up is required for periods of drought and low wind”, “Going 100% renewable will only increase prices as more generation will be required” etc etc etc.
Quite frankly, this is an outdated way to think of the market based on large scale generation models and long distance transmission.
New Zealand in transition
Unlike most other countries, NZ is well positioned to further reduce reliance on thermal generation, given our geography, population spread and isolated energy system i.e. we are not importing or exporting electricity to other countries like many do in Europe or North America.
A good first step could be to remove thermal baseload generation from the market, in recent time this has been achieved with Otathuhu closing in 2015, much of the “slack” was taken up by new and efficient running of Geothermal stations.
But how do we take this further, how do we remove the requirement for Huntly et al while still retaining large users such as NZ Steel and Rio Tinto?
Battery Storage and the New Zealand network
From my perspective the largest potential lies in battery storage whether it be fixed assets or leveraging the electric transport fleet in years to come.
If generators / network companies considered either installing large scale industrial batteries at remotely located or congested sub-stations or operating networks of small scale batteries installed across thousands of residential homes, massive amounts of money would be saved by not having to build new hydro dams or geothermal plants.
Ever increasing costs of maintaining such a large transmission and distribution system for such a small population is surely a compelling event for infrastructure owners to invest in new technologies and new business models to sustain revenue into the future. If we apply Moore’s law to batteries, they will half in price and double in capacity in the next 18 months which should see them become extremely viable.
Considering the above, the case for thermal becomes much less compelling.
Examples from abroad
In recent times, Germany has made huge steps to curtail the reliance on thermal generation with numerous renewable generation initiatives. The following article was written by Yaniv Vardi, CEO of Panoramic Power and highlights a number of valuable points that New Zealand might take on board.
In a world facing pressing challenges from climate change and rising carbon emissions, entire countries are becoming laboratories to test potential solutions. Nowhere is this truer than in Germany, where their aggressive plans to address climate change, encoded in the ambitious Energiewende, call to phase out nuclear and carbon-based energy sources and invest in renewable energy sources – such as solar and wind.
The Energiewende plan envisions a non-nuclear Germany that cuts its carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. As lofty a goal as this may be, the plan is on pace to meet and even exceed benchmarks. Even though not everyone is on board, and some claim the Energiewende is overzealous and could strangle business in favor of pushing an unrealistic energy policy, progress well underway.

What is the Energiewende, and what has it done so far?
The Energiewende is a sweeping plan for “the full-scale transformation of [German] society and the economy” along the lines of renewable energy. Passed in 2010 in its most recent form – but with social and political roots that stretch back 20 years prior – the Energiewende schedules a complete phase-out of nuclear-generated energy by 2022, an 80% cut in carbon emissions by 2050 and supports additional investment in renewable technologies such as wind and solar.
The Energiewende has three main components: proliferation of renewable energies, reduction or compete phase out of nuclear- and carbon-based energy sources and increased energy efficiency. Germany is well on its way to completing these goals successfully and in a timely fashion. Currently, the first two components are well underway, while early progress has been made toward heightened efficiency. By 2014, 27% of German electricity was generated by renewable sources. Since 2011, Germany has halved its consumption of nuclear energy and shut down nine of its 17 nuclear reactors.
On its surface, the Energiewende appears to be working. It doesn’t mean, however, that the policy isn’t free of critics. Some have vocalized sharp critique, casting doubt on the viability of the energy plan. But do these arguments hold water?
The continuing energy debate
Not everyone is sold on the promises of the Energiewende. Some, like economist Heiner Flassbeck, argue that an energy system primarily supported by wind and solar, without any aid from nuclear sources or fossil fuels, is ultimately not tenable.
Flassbeck’s critique is related to what critics call “the intermittency problem,” that wind and solar don’t always generate electricity at reliable levels. If the renewable sources fail to produce enough energy to meet the nation’s demand, and Germany successfully phases out all nuclear- and carbon-based energy sources, there would be no fallback to generate the additional energy needed. Critics say removing that backup would be a crucial mistake.
However, proponents argue that intermittency can be solved with greater grid connectivity – geographical diversity, they suggest, should often balance out any shortages – and the development of better storage technologies. At present, wind energy must be used as it is generated; if cost-effective storage methods emerge, the intermittency of wind power becomes less of a concern.
In addition, alternative sources have proven themselves to be sufficient. Just last year, German solar power providers generated so much electricity that they actually had to pay to offload it. And while naysayers may declare this the product of a ham-fisted public policy that actually dims the long-term viability of commercial energy production, the fact that there’s enough clean energy production to bring this hypothetical conflict to life, is itself encouraging.
Energiewende critics also raise concern about inflated electricity costs. In Germany, utilities are required by law to pay energy producers that sell back to the grid. Those payments are set at fixed, above-market prices, which utilities pass on to consumers in the form of a surcharge on their electric bill. As a result, German consumers experience higher than average energy costs. In 2016, the surcharge amounted to 22.1%.
In the U.S., consumers pay less per kilowatt hour, a fact favored by critics of Germany’s energy policy. Despite the heightened electricity rates, German consumers are still widely in favor of the Energiewende. More than 80% of respondents of public opinion polls said they were in favor of a low-carbon and nuclear-free economy. Higher energy costs, it seems, do not deter the Germans in their bid for a cleaner energy system.

Toward a viable, national energy management model
Despite critics’ appeals to hold tight – at least for the time being – to the nuclear- and carbon-based status quo, Germany’s energy efficiency policy is making a compelling case study for a more sustainable model.
The methods may be bold, but they seem to be working. Germany reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 27% and produced 27.4% of its electricity from renewable sources. Renewable energy made up 13.5% of the market as well – all while shuttering nuclear facilities and growing the overall economy by 1.9% (the fastest rate in the G7).
While Germany is phasing out non-renewable energy sources like coal at a slower pace than nuclear energy, the Energiewende is setting the stage for a new system founded on renewable energy technologies. As storage methods improve and proliferate, and distribution networks become more connected, the problem of intermittency should become less and less burdensome – in other words, high-producing regions will be able to support low-producing regions.
While the Energiewende is aggressive bordering on single-minded, it has already demonstrated its viability as an energy system capable of supporting an advanced, forward-thinking economy. Even as the German policy has implemented drastic changes in a relatively short amount of time, the German economy has continued to grow unabated. If the world is serious about combating climate change and meeting the targets of the Paris climate accord, Germany’s Energiewende is a model to emulate, not dismantle.
Yaniv Vardi is the CEO of Panoramic Power, a leader in device level energy monitoring and performance optimization
by Jon Rabinowitz | Jun 9, 2017 | Energy
The focus of the recent Energy Management Association of New Zealand (EMANZ) conference held in Wellington centered on disruptive technologies and how this would impact the traditional models of the energy supply chain. While presentations focused mainly on generators, distributors and retailers, customers also need to consider how emerging technology can drive strategic decision making when it comes to the consumption of energy.
The installation of smart metering over the last few years throughout New Zealand has assisted mainly companies that generate, distribute and retail energy with very little benefit being delivered to customers. In the retail space we are starting to see the application of time based pricing for SME customers but retail pricing products in this space remain in their infancy as the attitude of traditional suppliers appears to be a wait and see approach.
One thing is for certain, data will play a massive role in the future structure of energy supply and customers who control their data will be steps ahead of those that don’t. We truly believe that customers who take a proactive strategic approach to measuring consumption beyond the data available on their invoices (whether it be energy, ICT or waste) will have a competitive advantage in their market place compared with businesses who don’t.
The below article was written by Jon Rabinowitz, Head of Marketing – Panoramic Power, while US-centric there are strong commonalities that apply to the market in NZ. If your business would like to discuss how energy can become a strategic lever for competitive advantage, Total Utilities would welcome the opportunity to meet with you. Contact us here.