Procurement Services
Total Utilities offers procurement services for:
New Zealand Energy Certificates (NZ-ECs)
Natural gas
Trade Waste
ICT Technology Selection
What we do:
We source the right electricity contracts at the right price.
Finding the best electricity supply contracts for your business can be a time consuming process. But by allowing Total Utilities to take care of your electricity procurement, you can free up time to get on with the day-to-day running of your business.Â
We have been working in New Zealand’s energy market for well over 20 years, and negotiate over $400 million worth of energy contracts each year.Â
Our detailed pricing analysis and tendering services will save you time and money by pinpointing the best possible energy contracts and ensuring you get the most favourable terms and prices

Key benefits:

We can obtain the best market prices and find the right energy solutions to meet the needs of your business.
We are fully informed of external factors and can spot energy price trends to gain contracts that work to your advantage.
You can free up time to concentrate on day-to-day business while we take care of your energy procurement and management needs.
We have over 20 years of experience working in New Zealand’s energy market and have established relationships to keep us informed – so we can source the most advantageous contracts for you.
Our monthly market updates provide up-to-date market intelligence and trends and expert commentary on energy markets
New Zealand Energy Certificates (NZ-ECs)
What we do:
We were amongst the first NZ-based participants to register on Certified Energy’s NZ Energy Certificate System, and are authorised to act on your behalf as an independent broker for NZ Energy Certificates (NZ-ECs).Â
NZ-ECs are used to verify that you are purchasing 100% renewable energy. Being supplied by an energy retailer that only operates renewable generation does not allow you to claim you are purchasing 100% renewable energy, as all grid supplied energy has 20% carbon liability.Â
Every certificate you purchase (1 certificate = 1,000kWh) is directly tied to a specific renewable generation plant and is accompanied by a producer statement. This provides traceability for the electricity that you buy, allowing you to claim that your electricity consumption is free from carbon liability.
We can buy and trade certificates on your behalf in order to support you and your business invest in 100% renewable energy, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Key benefits:

NZ-ECs enable you to support renewable generation and reduce reportable emissions.
Certificates can be used to report zero-carbon electricity usage in accredited Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programmes.
They are a competitively priced alternative to carbon offsets and also offer the potential for greater impact.
We only offer NZ-ECs from suppliers which meet strict Toitū Envirocare compliance criteria.
Certificates help create a circular economy as sellers are required to invest the revenue they earn from certificates in new renewable generation or decarbonisation projects.
Purchasers of certificates are investing in a sustainable future for New Zealand.Â
Natural Gas & LPG
What we do:
Total Utilities negotiates natural gas and LPG supply contracts on behalf of a wide range of commercial customers – from large agriculture and food producers – through to small hospitality businesses.Â
Natural Gas and LPG contracts are about more than just the raw gas price. We have substantial expertise in navigating the detail of negotiating these contracts to ensure that retail offerings are compared on a like for like basis and all costs are accounted for.

Key benefits:

We can obtain the best market prices and find the right natural gas and LPG supply solutions to meet the needs of your business.
We help negotiate the best contract terms with suppliers.
We monitor the market and government policy to ensure that you get up to date advice.
What we do:
Waste to Landfill costs are only increasing due to the carbon liability of maintaining large landfill sites throughout New Zealand.Total Utilities offers you a full procurement process for contracted waste services.
Aside from price, contracts in the waste industry can be heavily weighted in favour of the supplier. Contracts often include authorisation to pass on to the consumer increases in inflation, transport costs and tipping charges at short notice, on an annual, six-monthly, or even quarterly basis.Â
By understanding the fine print, Total Utilities is well placed to assist your business to understand how these clauses could impact you and to help you negotiate more favourable terms.

Key benefits:

We can obtain the best market prices and find the right waste supply solutions to meet the needs of your business.
We help negotiate the best waste supply contract terms with suppliers
By improving your waste processes you ultimately reduce costs and send less waste to landfill – a win for your bottom line and the environment.
We monitor the market and government policy to ensure that you get up to date advice.
We have our finger on the pulse of policy, price and procurement. We can effectively interpret the changes and identify smart ways for you to contribute towards a more efficient, sustainable, cleaner and greener planet.
ICT Technology Selection
What we do:
Selecting the right technology service is an important aspect of any long-term business plan. Total Utilities ensures chosen services meet the needs of key stakeholders and a firm’s ongoing and evolving business strategy. Areas covered include cloud services (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS), networking and managed network services, contact centres, and telephony.
Utilizing a customer-led set of weighting criteria, vendors are selected based on service reliability, how they align with existing and emerging technology strategy, billing and account level support, risk minimisation and mitigation, and price competitiveness. This provides a selection process that is both transparent and has measurable evaluation criteria at every stage. Our comprehensive process results in fact-based Information and Communication Technology recommendations that businesses can confidently present to their executive management and board.

Key benefits:

Robust procurement process produces a fact based outcome which aligns to stated business aims
Key stakeholders across the business are canvassed and feel heard
We have over 20 years of experience working in New Zealand’s IT market and have established relationships to keep us informed. Leverage our experience dealing with key technology trends and partners to ensure the best options are considered
Detailed multi-year financial comparison between current state and proposed future state
Find out more:
Energy procurement services
Find out how energy contracts are never as simple as just getting a price.
New Zealand Energy Certificates (NZ-ECs)
Take a look at how Total Utilities can act as your independent NZ-ECs broker in our Energy Certificates Brochure.
Trade waste
Send less to landfill, save on levies, and recycle and reuse more with Total Utilities. Read all about it in our Waste Case Study.
Contact us
to find out more about how we can help you with our procurement services.
Check out
Total Utilities’ Market Commentary for detailed analysis of the current energy market situation.