Turn Data Darkness into Light with Total Utilities

Illuminate energy waste, cut costs, enhance sustainability, and optimise efficiency with our Energy Intelligence Solution. Total Utilities partners with Panoramic Power to offer a cutting-edge energy management system.

Energy management systems by Total Utilities
Panoramic Power’s sensors collect real-time energy data and upload it to a customisable cloud analytics platform. We call it energy intelligence.

Why Choose Panoramic Power and Partner with Total Utilities?

Total Utilities and Panoramic Power - wireless energy intelligence solution with hassle-free installation

Simple to install:

Panoramic Power sensors are wireless, self-powered, and maintenance-free, ensuring quick and hassle-free installation.

Quick ROI with cloud-based energy intelligence

Quick return on investment:

Experience almost immediate return on investment by rapidly identifying and addressing inefficiencies and energy waste with our cloud-based energy intelligence platform.

Panoramic Power mobile app: real-time energy data and notifications

Always available:

The Panoramic Power mobile app offers 24/7 access to real-time energy data, notifications, and alerts. Manage your energy usage efficiently from anywhere with easy-to-use dashboards.

Panoramic Power: Device-Level Energy Monitoring with Granular Analytics

Discover the power of Panoramic Power’s device-level monitoring and granular analytics. Our solution offers clear, actionable insights to help you move beyond ‘data darkness’ and optimise energy use effectively. It’s the cost-effective way to enhance your energy management and achieve your goals.

Why Choose Our Energy Monitoring and Intelligence Services?

Self-powered, zero-maintenance, wireless sensors for quick and seamless installation.

Cloud-based energy intelligence platform delivering device-level, real-time energy data management analytics.
Mobile apps to efficiently monitor and optimise energy usage right from your smartphone or tablet.
Cut energy costs swiftly by identifying energy waste right from the start.
Predictive analytics and sophisticated alerts reduce the risk of equipment failure.
Actionable insights for informed decision-making, planning, and reporting sustainability initiatives.
Fully customised end-to-end solution, tailored to your business goals and preferences, delivering maximum value.
Scalable service designed to grow with your business and adapt to changing energy needs.

Core Uses & Benefits


Ensure true output, verify savings, and quantify carbon reductions.

HVAC Monitoring

Identify waste, benchmark equipment, and conduct preventative maintenance.

Monitoring & Targeting

Track performance against KPIs, highlight inefficiencies, and benchmark data.

Learn more about our Energy Monitoring & Intelligence Service

Total Utilities|Kristin School solar power case study

Find out how South Port NZ worked with Total Utilities to implement Panoramic Power technology – avoiding costly upgrade projects and increasing available storage capacity.

Total Utilities|Kristin School solar power case study

Discover how we helped Kristin School, Auckland, gain invaluable insights into its solar power generation with Panoramic Power

Total Utilities|Retail chain energy savings case study

Explore how Total Utilities used Panoramic Power to help a major New Zealand retail chain reduce energy wastage in HVAC systems, cutting carbon emissions and achieving significant savings.

Watch our transformative energy management solutions in action with videos featuring:

Orange Data Centre

Magna Car Parts

Optimise Your Business Operations Today with our Energy Monitoring & Intelligence Service

Contact Total Utilities to learn how our energy management systems and services can help your business achieve efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings.

Learn more about how our energy management solutions can help reduce energy wastage and cut carbon emissions: