New NZ/Australian Energy Alliance forged

Total Utilities Management Group, New Zealand’s leading independent utilities procurement and energy management company has entered into an alliance with Australian company EnergyAdvice to deliver Trans-Tasman energy management, procurement and energy efficiency...

Club $80,000 power saving an ‘unexpected bonus’

When Steve Andrew first contracted Total Utilities Management Group to manage his electricity contract renewal he wanted to access cheaper power pricing.  He didn’t expect an $80,000 pay-back from two electricity companies – that was an ‘unexpected bonus’ according to...

Pre-Contracting Pays Off to the Tune of $6 Million

Signing up with TUMG well ahead of their contract renewal date paid off for a group of 57 energy clients at the end of 2012.  Unusually aggressive pricing from Meridian and then Contact in December created a savings opportunity that TUMG was quick to exploit.  Energy...