Total Utilities & Panoramic Power: Energy Intelligence Solutions

Unlock unparalleled energy insights and drive operational efficiency with Total Utilities’ advanced energy intelligence solutions, powered by Panoramic Power.

Panoramic Power dashboard displaying real-time analytics for optimising energy management and supporting decarbonisation goals.

Our cloud-based platform delivers real-time analytics to optimise your energy management and support your business’s decarbonisation goals.

Total Utilities and Panoramic Power energy intelligence solutions.

The Benefits of Our Energy Intelligence Platform

Total Utilities, in partnership with Panoramic Power, offers a comprehensive energy management system that integrates seamlessly with your operations.

Our platform provides real-time visibility into energy consumption and can connect with metrics for gas, heat, water, and wind, serving as a central hub for all your energy and infrastructure data.

Identify and address inefficiencies quickly, leveraging advanced technology to achieve cost savings, enhance sustainability, and meet your business goals.

Why Choose Panoramic Power and Partner with Total Utilities?

Total Utilities and Panoramic Power - wireless energy intelligence solution with hassle-free installation

Simple to install:

Panoramic Power sensors are wireless, self-powered, and maintenance-free, ensuring quick and hassle-free installation.

Quick ROI with cloud-based energy intelligence

Quick return on investment:

Experience almost immediate return on investment by rapidly identifying and addressing inefficiencies and energy waste with our cloud-based energy intelligence platform.

Panoramic Power mobile app: real-time energy data and notifications

Always available:

The Panoramic Power mobile app offers 24/7 access to real-time energy data, notifications, and alerts. Manage your energy usage efficiently from anywhere with easy-to-use dashboards.

Panoramic Power: Device-Level Energy Monitoring with Granular Analytics

Discover the power of Panoramic Power’s device-level monitoring and granular analytics. Our solution offers clear, actionable insights to help you move beyond ‘data darkness’ and optimise energy use effectively. It’s the cost-effective way to enhance your energy management and achieve your goals.

Customised End-to-End Energy Management Solution

Customised end-to-end energy management solution tailored to business needs, with expert support from Total Utilities.
Tailored to Your
Business Needs:

Panoramic Power is designed to align perfectly with your business goals, ensuring you get the most out of our energy management platform.

Expert Support:

Total Utilities provides comprehensive support at every stage of your energy management journey, from initial planning to ongoing optimisation.

Panoramic Power Sensor Types and Their Functions

Panoramic Power Wireless Real-Time Sensors

Current Sensors

Our family of wireless, self powered, high accuracy current senses are non-invasive, clip-on senses, that snap and fit any current range or wire gauge without disconnection.

Panoramic Power Wireless Real-Time Sensors

Power Sensors

Full power metering, Class 1 real-time monitoring of current, voltage, power and power quality.

Panoramic Power Wireless Real-Time Sensors

LTE Bridge

Plug-and-Play cellular connectivity (2/3G/LTE), Wi-Fi and LAN. 10 sec data intervals. Storage capability in case of network loss. 2 Pulse Meter channels
Cloud-based analytics dashboard by Panoramic Power

Panoramic Power’s Cloud-Based Analytics Platform

Panoramic Power’s cloud-based analytics platform is essential for optimising energy management. It provides real-time monitoring, customisable dashboards, and predictive analytics to transform energy data into actionable insights.

This software helps you cut costs, enhance efficiency, and drive sustainability with seamless integration into your existing systems.

Discover the Panoramic Power Wireless Sensor Family

Learn about the full range of Panoramic Power’s wireless sensors, including detailed specifications and key features. See how these sensors can enhance your energy management strategy.

Smartphone with Total Utilities’ Panoramic Power app for energy management.

Panoramic Power Mobile App: Manage Energy Anytime, Anywhere

Panoramic Power’s mobile app brings energy management to your fingertips. With real-time access to energy data and intuitive controls, you can monitor and optimise your energy use directly from your smartphone or tablet.

The app provides instant notifications, detailed analytics, and actionable insights, ensuring you stay informed and in control, no matter where you are.

How Panoramic Power Compares

Panoramic Power offers a full end-to-end energy intelligence solution providing both hardware and world-leading software that can be customised to your needs.

Explore how our advanced energy management platform compares with other solutions to achieve maximum efficiency, sustainability, and cost savings for your business:

Graph comparing Total Utilities’ Panoramic Power with other energy management solutions, highlighting benefits and key features.
Contact Total Utilities’ Energy Management Experts to start enhancing efficiency and sustainability

Partner with Us

Contact our Energy Management Experts today and start your journey towards enhanced efficiency and sustainability.