Can New Zealand Electrify Industry?

Can New Zealand Electrify Industry?

The Government has set a target for New Zealand’s economy to be net-zero emissions by 2050. Does our current approach stack up? Methanex – adding 15% to national electricity demand? In a recent submission to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment...
The Power Plant Next Door

The Power Plant Next Door

Throughout history technological advancement and change that has lasting impacts on humanity has largely come about through critical mass. As a child, I distinctly remember visiting a friends house and seeing their newly installed solar PV system on the roof. 25 years...
Is There a Magic Bullet for Energy Pricing?

Is There a Magic Bullet for Energy Pricing?

The following post was written by Bryan Leyland for KiwiBlog. Bryan is an engineer with over 60 years experience in the energy sector and regularly comments on various topics. He is a strong believer in a single payer market and Carl Hanson, former head of the...
Power Factor: Dark Arts and Wizardry?

Power Factor: Dark Arts and Wizardry?

I joined the energy industry 11 years ago this week, the time has flown by and a lot has changed since 2007. Technology has been the driving force and is currently revolutionising the energy market. While the fundamental mechanics remain similar, the way in which...
Solar in a Renewable Based Energy Market

Solar in a Renewable Based Energy Market

It is well known that in New Zealand, energy generation is largely renewable. Around 65% of generation is hydro-based mainly in the South Island and around 15% is geothermal based through the central to the eastern side of the North Island. In the following series of...